These are groups and organizations I fully support because they do outstanding work for the betterment of the world.
PAWS stands for "Pets Are Worth Saving." They are a no-kill shelter in Chicago, Illinois, and it's where I got my dog, Halifax. They offer dog and cat adoptions, free spaying and neutering, training, and community outreach and educational programs for people and their four-legged companions.
Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation was founded in late 1992 by Kathleen A. Casey, the organization's CEO/President. The foundation is named in memory of her son, Barrett “Bear” Krupa, who died at 8 years old after a courageous five and a half year battle with Wilms Tumor, a pediatric cancer. I have volunteered with Bear Necessities at some of their fundraising benefits over the years.
WBEZ 91.5 is the National Public Radio station for the Chicagoland area. Former neighbours of mine back in the early 1990's introduced me to our NPR station and I've been listening to them ever since. I listen to "All Things Considered" every day during my commute to and from work, and I love the variety of entertainment and documentary shows like "The Prairie Home Companion," "Fresh Air," "The TED Radio Hour", "The Moth," and "The New Yorker Radio Hour." I even saw a taping of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." This is quality radio...
Having worked in healthcare for over 15 years (10 of which were spent working with stroke patients), I am keenly aware of the potentially life-altering effects that strokes can have one a person and a family. Learn the symptoms and types of strokes, what causes them, and how you can lower your chances of having a stroke by visiting the American Heart and Stroke Association website.
I believe in universal healthcare, a clean environment, climate change, logical gun control, public education, a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, the arts and humanities, that science is not a liberal conspiracy, that immigrants ARE welcome in my country, that the children of undocumented immigrants should not be punished for the indiscretions of their parents, that the national parks need to be left free of commercial development, and that love is love is love is love.
I believe a woman - not the government - has the right to choose what she does with her life and her body. This organization saves lives by providing much needed healthcare services to women who would otherwise go without. This is an important service that needs to be preserved and supported.
There are many worthwhile grass roots organizations in the country that supports clean environment initiatives. I support The Sierra Club because of its long history of education and advocacy on behalf of the planet.